Why is Your Ideal Client so Important for Marketing a Brand?

It’s been a busy two weeks launching projects with three new clients, sending proposals, planning for significant changes coming up for Social and Lattes, welcoming my parents to stay at my place for some weeks, and planning our next trip back to the east coast.

Sometimes I feel like there are not enough hours in a day! Are you with me? But, I wanted to swing by to talk about a very important topic. Ready?!

The only way to find success while using social media marketing is by knowing your ideal client. Here’s the thing. As a business owner, we NEED to identify what PROBLEMS our ideal clients are having.

If we don’t know their problem – how can we help solve them?

For example, I offer social media marketing services for driven entrepreneurs. Yes, that means I manage their social media accounts, I create content, I write content, I edit videos, I serve as their community manager, I teach workshops, I offer training, I develop strategies, run contests – but that IS NOT what I sell.

The brands I work with need time and someone they can trust to get things done right, and that is what I sell. By taking care of their social media needs and working one-on-one with them (or their staff), they gain the TIME to focus on other things that matter to them.

Sit on this thought for a while – go deep. When you find that answer, you can then connect with your ideal client. So, what does your business sell? Leave your answers in the comments section below!